Tuesday Sept 11, 2001 changed me forever. I won't ever forget that morning. Ever.
From then till now I've seen some crazy things.
I've seen mullas finding it appropriate to say their prayers as a plane is taking off and then get upset when their told to sit down. These guys are now attempting to sue the people who asked them to take a seat. Are you kidding me?!
I don't believe that most Muslims are out wage jihad against us. I'm finding that there are radical mu slims out there "for real" that are ready for jihad. "Youths" on France burning cars almost nightly. Imams in England talking about jihad, kuffar (that would be me), and 6 guys arrested today for plotting to buy AK's planning to attack fort Dix in N.J. today.
It kills me to hear Harry Reid Saying "the war is lost" and that we need a "Time line"! I think our government needs to pull their head out of the sand and not be so concerned weather they will be elected next term.
It's now clear to me that we are at war. I hope and pray that our leadership and military and us as Americans will have the resolve to fight these people who love death more than they love life.