Monday, April 23, 2007

Have I been sleeping?

Tuesday Sept 11, 2001 changed me forever. I won't ever forget that morning. Ever.
From then till now I've seen some crazy things.
I've seen mullas finding it appropriate to say their prayers as a plane is taking off and then get upset when their told to sit down. These guys are now attempting to sue the people who asked them to take a seat. Are you kidding me?!
I don't believe that most Muslims are out wage jihad against us. I'm finding that there are radical mu slims out there "for real" that are ready for jihad. "Youths" on France burning cars almost nightly. Imams in England talking about jihad, kuffar (that would be me), and 6 guys arrested today for plotting to buy AK's planning to attack fort Dix in N.J. today.
It kills me to hear Harry Reid Saying "the war is lost" and that we need a "Time line"! I think our government needs to pull their head out of the sand and not be so concerned weather they will be elected next term.
It's now clear to me that we are at war. I hope and pray that our leadership and military and us as Americans will have the resolve to fight these people who love death more than they love life.


Anonymous said...

What does victory in Iraq look like to you? It seems to me that this is the question our government can't answer. Islamic extremists are a threat. How is our presence in Iraq improving the situation? I think we have exacerbated the problem, not diminished it. If we cannot define victory and attain it, we need to bring our people home.

jake said...

I’ve thought a lot about what victory looks like. I admittedly have been pretty discouraged the past couple of years with how things have gone in Iraq. All I saw for the past two years on the MSM was this city was bombed, 10 troops killed today, we’re in the midst of a civil war over there, etc.
In any war when things aren’t going right, change need to happen.
I think that change did happen w/ General Petraeus was put into command. I don’t think at any point in history that war is ever planned out for what will happen. From our revolutionary war to today in Iraq, there has always been loss, setback and leadership that has screwed up. I think the point is that throughout any war that we as the US have had to rely on our resolve to finish the job.
All that to say I think that victory in Iraq is having Strong leadership from the US
(Specifically speaking of our military leadership), having local tribes fight Al Qaeda with us instead of fighting us (which is happening), and having the resolve to finish the mission that we set out to do.
I know that there are those that say our being in Iraq has exasperated and increased violence in the region. I’m not ready to believe that we’re the ones perpetuating the violence. When people are coming in from Syria and Iran and feel it’s ok to blow up innocent people, I think they are the ones perpetuating the situation. It makes me angry that builders of a new girls school would rig it w/ explosives to detonate it when the school opens. Who the @#%* does that kind of thing?! The only thing I think is perpetuated is that lines are drawn and people and nations are forced to choose a side. It’s been made clear to me that there are people out there who love death more than they love life. I think it’s so important that we fight these extremists who would be praising allah as they were cutting my head off. We need to succeed.