Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day 2007

Today has been my most memorable father's day to date. Granted it's my 2nd official fathers day, it's been a memorable one for sure.
It started early for me. In fact it started saturday night with Abby and Robin giving me every cd I had on my wish list. I haven't had this much new music for a very long time. I so appreciate the thoughtfulness.
This morning at church, long time president of Biola, Dr. Clyde Cook spoke for father's day. I'm usually not a big "lets use videos" preson, but today the videos he used were both perfect.
The German coast guard commerical was hi-larious and appropo.
The last video Team Hoyt blew me away. Dick and Rick Hoyt have been racing for years now including the iornman triathalon. This article will tell you more as well as their site TeamHoyt. Please enjoy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Phrases you need to look out for

So I've been in the American work force for some time now. I've worked full time since I was 21 and part time since 17. I've put my time in.

I do have to admit I've had my share of bosses and customers. Most (90%) have been great and understanding when it has come to me needing time off, coming in late, etc.

I have found though over the years there are some key sentences one must look out for when coming from a boss or customer.

5- If you take this position, you'll make more money.

Translation- This means you will now spend more time at work than ever before. Have less time for youself or anyone else. Those nasty energy drinks will now be consumed like water in an attempt to keep your head above water.

4- I decided to mix things up.

Translation- Now that you just got everything figured out and running smoothly, it's time to start over. Have fun!

3- Can you take care of this real quick?

Translation- Can you drop whatever you are doing because somehow whatever I have is more important. Seriously?

2- Oh, I know how that works.

Translation- They have little to no clue how it works. The EPM has nothing to do with the bearing module when turned to the run position. ( OK, so I made that up. You get the point.)

1- You can do this project! it's easy!

Translation- 1.They have absolutely no idea how long it will take. 2.It's not easy by a long shot. 3. It will take you longer than you ever thought possible. They won't be satisfied untill it's just right and you have at least 10 more gray hairs and symptoms of a possible ulcer.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

I'm it I guess.

Apparently Iv'e been tagged.

It's about the first time in about 15 years I think. My friend Jason has tagged me so I guess I'm it so here it goes.

1. Add a direct link to your post below the name of the person who tagged you. Include the city/state and country you’re in.

Nicole (Sydney, Australia)

velverse (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

LB (San Giovanni in Marignano, Italy)

Selba (Jakarta, Indonesia

Olivia (London, England)

ML (Utah, USA)

Lotus (Toronto, Canada)

tanabata (Saitama, Japan)

Andi (Dallas [ish], Texas, United States)

Todd (Louisville, Kentucky, United States)

miss kendra (los angeles, california, u.s.a)

Jiggs Casey (Berkeley, CA, USA! USA! USA!)

Tits McGee (New England, USA)

Kat (Ontario, Canada)

Cheezy (London, England)

Paula (Orange County, California, U.S.)

Jeff (Colorado, USA)

Fringes (around Houston, US)

Monstro D. Whale (New England, MA)

Motormouth (New England, MA)

Julie (San Jose, CA)

Doug (Orlando, FL)

JP (Orange County, CA)


2.List your top five local eating places.

In-N-Out Burger- I can eat In-n-Out till I'm sick. Double Double animal style every time. I can just smell the mouthwatering goodness every time I drive by.

BJ's Pizza & Brewery - Honestly the best BBQ chicken pizza Iv'e ever had. The microbrews they make are not bad either.

Applebee's - I can never go wrong with a Chinese chicken salad. Actually,that's the only thing I ever get.

Senor peppers - When the wife and I lived in Whittier, I would stop by at least once a week to pick up dinner. We still try to stop by when we are in town. The best fajita burrito I've ever had.

Cosco - I know it sounds silly,or else can you get a drink and a hot dog for dollar 50 and it's actually good. Oh, and don't forgetall the samples will a shopping.

Paul,you have been tagged.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

JP's Graduating

So I'm having lunch at In-n-Out with my buddy Jason last year.
He says to me, "I'm going to Biola. Can you believe it?"
I told him "No".
Yet after 15 years he's finished what he started. As for "yours truly" , I'm still only 1/2 way there. My friend Jason walks tomorrow night to recieve his diploma. I'm very proud of him for finishing strong and getting his degree. Congrats.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Let's Get Ready To Rumble!

Well it all came to a head on Wednesday May 23rd. Two powerful adversaries met for a mighty and extrordinary showdown. It was a sight to behold. No I'm not talking about heads of state, WWF or your favorite comic book hero and foe.
I'm talking about The View. Today though is quite the gem. It even makes Joy uncomfortable as you will see.

Monday, May 14, 2007

D&D 911 Call

OK. Time for some humor. This is one of the funniest clips Iv'e seen in a long time. Please take care when you're playing D&D please.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


So this is what got me started on the the whole radical Islam thing.
That and Pat Dollard's site. Both seem to be the best representation of what's going on these days. I'm on pat's site daily to check his posts. Read his story at the top of his site to get some backround. Also some of the videos and pics are pretty graphic, so be fore warned. I have the "obsession" movie which is really eye opening. Let me know if any of ya'll want to borrow it. I hope I'm not obsessing myself. Just wanted to let you know where I'm coming from.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Have I been sleeping?

Tuesday Sept 11, 2001 changed me forever. I won't ever forget that morning. Ever.
From then till now I've seen some crazy things.
I've seen mullas finding it appropriate to say their prayers as a plane is taking off and then get upset when their told to sit down. These guys are now attempting to sue the people who asked them to take a seat. Are you kidding me?!
I don't believe that most Muslims are out wage jihad against us. I'm finding that there are radical mu slims out there "for real" that are ready for jihad. "Youths" on France burning cars almost nightly. Imams in England talking about jihad, kuffar (that would be me), and 6 guys arrested today for plotting to buy AK's planning to attack fort Dix in N.J. today.
It kills me to hear Harry Reid Saying "the war is lost" and that we need a "Time line"! I think our government needs to pull their head out of the sand and not be so concerned weather they will be elected next term.
It's now clear to me that we are at war. I hope and pray that our leadership and military and us as Americans will have the resolve to fight these people who love death more than they love life.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Welcome GO Country 105.1

It's been a couple of weeks now that country radio has been back on the Los Angeles air waves. I of all people am happy about that.
Let me esplain...
Now I know most of you are thinking, "Hey wait a minute! When did Jake start listening to country?"
Well it all started when I could no longer take one more second of KROQ. I thought what a waste of time. There has to be something better. Now I know there are several choices out there. You've got your
reggeton on 96.3, but that all starts sounding same. KDAY is back I think. I enjoy a little flashback to Rob Base every once an a while. The FISH I can only stand for about 10 minutes. That leaves country.
Now I understand not all country music is great. There are quite
a few jems though. Keith Urban, Miranda Lambert, Nickle Creek, etc.... It was pretty disappointing having KZLA go away to make room for the same old stuff they play on every other station on the FM dial. It's nice to have country back.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Getting Back to It

OK. So I haven't been to the gym or run for at lest two weeks now. It all began when the Whittier police department I applied to said "thanks for

playing." It really bugged me that I didn't move on in the hiring process.

Really bugged me. I'm getting over it but the motivation for working out and running has defiantley taken a back seat to just about everything else. This week needs to be the week to get back to it. Really!